Privacy Enhancing and Responsible AI Technology Platform

Your Comprehensive Privacy Risk Assessment Tool

Are you concerned about the privacy risks lurking within your datasets? Look no further! PRIVACY X-RAYTM is here to revolutionize the way you assess and mitigate privacy risks. This revolutionary cutting-edge tool leverages artificial intelligence to offer a dynamic risk visualization experience, helping you understand and manage data privacy like never before.

Key Features :

AI-Powered Risk Assessment:
PRIVACYX-RAYTM utilizes advanced AI algorithms to assess the privacy risk within your datasets. It assigns a risk score on a scale of 0 to 100, in accordance with Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA).

Streamlined Compliance:
Designed with Data Protection Officers (DPOs), Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs), and privacy consultants in mind. PRIVACYX-RAYTM streamlines the privacy risk assessment process, enabling the generation of auditable compliance reports within minutes.

Threat Visualization:
Gain insights into potential threats within your data. PRIVACYX-RAYTM helps you understand the types of data present in your dataset, making it easier to identify sensitive information and potential vulnerabilities.

Attack Stimulation:
Perform attack simulations to understand how your data may be exploited. This tool empowers you to educate stakeholders on the nature of data being shared and provides automated mitigation and compliance recommendations.

Intelligent Data Scanning:
PRIVACYX-RAYTM intelligently scans your data and classifies attributes using AI techniques. You can also opt for a hybrid classification approach, giving you control over attribute classification.

PXAR Score:
Receive a comprehensive PXAR score ranging from 0 to 100, offering a unified assessment of the dataset's overall risk level.

PXAR Index:
Visualize the total sum of risk based on the types of columns in your dataset, providing a clear overview of potential vulnerabilities.

Attack Simulation:
PRIVACYX-RAYTM conducts singling out, inference, and outlier attack simulations, enabling proactive vulnerability identification and highlighting vulnerable areas. It also calculates a likelihood versus severity matrix for privacy risk.

Receive data-specific recommendations for mitigating privacy risks. These recommendations align with GDPR, DPDB, and global privacy frameworks like NIST and LINDDUN.

Country-Based Compliance:
PRIVACYX-RAYTM offers country-specific Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET) recommendations and mitigation strategies, including GDPR, HIPAA, PDPB, DPDP, and CPRA compliance.

Cross-Border Compliance:
Ensure compliance across borders with PRIVACYX-RAYTM's cross-border compliance recommendations, making it easier to navigate complex international data privacy regulation

With PRIVACYX-RAYTM, you can take control of your data privacy assessment, streamline compliance efforts, and protect your sensitive information. Say goodbye to data privacy uncertainties and hello to comprehensive risk management. Try PRIVACYX-RAYTM today and make data privacy a priority. 

Empowering Compliance, Fostering Privacy - Your Trusted Partner in Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA).

PRESCRIPTRONTM is a comprehensive privacy management solution designed to facilitate the mapping, analysis, and documentation of Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) activities related to personal data, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It encompasses several key features to promote accountability, enable informed privacy decision-making, and ensure compliance with global privacy laws.

Key Features:

Risk Mapping:
PRESCRIPTRONTM help in mapping the assessed risks associated with processing personal data as per nature, purpose, scope, context etc. shared by the data requester. This includes risks to individuals' privacy, consent taken data inaccuracies, or any other possibility of potential harm.

Data Processing Description:
PRESCRIPTRONTM allows data requesters to provide thorough description of the data processing activities involved, including the types of data collected, the purposes for processing, the categories of individuals involved, and any data sharing or transfers in Templatized way.

Legal and Compliance Analysis:
PRESCRIPTRONTM provides template which aligns the data processing description provided by the data requester in line to the legal and regulatory requirements of the specific geography. Hence ensuring adherence to global privacy laws such as DPDP, KSA(PDPL), GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) or CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act).

Assessment of Necessity and Proportionality:
Our solution assesses the necessity of data processing activities for achieving their intended purposes and determines whether they are proportionate to the risks posed to individuals' rights and freedoms.

Documentation and Reporting:
PRESCRIPTRONTM provides comprehensive documentation of the assessment process, encompassing the findings, conclusions, and decisions made in relation to risk management. Reports may be required to be submitted to supervisory authorities as part of regulatory compliance.

PRESCRIPTRONTM promote accountability by showcasing that organizations have systematically examined and mitigated data protection risks in their processing activities. This enhances transparency and fosters trust with data subjects and regulatory authorities.

Enables Privacy Decision making:
Provides unified platform for DPO’s and data governance teams, infosec teams to collaborate, approve, disapprove and gather insights and perspectives on potential risks and mitigation associated with the data flow.

Promotes Privacy by Design:
PRESCRIPTRONTM promotes PBD by, ensuring the integration of data protection considerations into the design and flow of data for systems, application, products & processes, right from the beginning.

Privacy Threat Modelling integration:
PRESCRIPTRONTM has the capability to be incorporated into the privacy threat model within privacy X-Ray, facilitating a comprehensive mapping of evaluated risks linked to the processing of personal data for each data flow.  

Record of Processing Activities ( ROPA):
PRESCRIPTRONTM allows data controllers the description of the data processing activities involved, including the types of data collected, the purposes for processing, the categories of individuals involved, and any data sharing or transfers in Templatized way.

Automated customizable regulatory recommendation:
PRESCRIPTRONTM aligns the data processing description provided by the data requester in line to the legal and regulatory requirements of the specific geography. Hence ensuring adherence to global privacy laws such as Indian DPDP, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (PDPL), General Data Protection Regulation (EU),  CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act).

Nebula™: Intelligent Data Scanning for Comprehensive Privacy Management

Nebula™ is designed to help you navigate the complexities of unstructured data, providing powerful tools to identify and manage Personally Identifiable Information (PII). With its advanced scanning and classification capabilities, Nebula™ ensures that your data privacy practices are robust and compliant with global standards.

Key Features :

AI-Powered Data Scanning:
Nebula™ employs sophisticated AI algorithms to scan and analyze unstructured data across various file types. This intelligent scanning process ensures that PII is accurately identified and managed.

Comprehensive Classification:
With Nebula™, you can classify data attributes using advanced AI techniques. The tool also offers a hybrid classification approach, giving you flexibility and control over how data attributes are identified and managed.

Sensitive Data Identification:
Nebula™ excels at pinpointing sensitive information within your datasets. It provides detailed insights into the types of data present, helping you understand potential privacy risks and vulnerabilities.

PII Management:
Nebula™ not only identifies PII but also provides recommendations for managing and protecting this data. It ensures that sensitive information is handled in accordance with privacy regulations and best practices.

Customizable Reporting:
Generate comprehensive reports that detail the presence of PII within your datasets. These reports are customizable, allowing you to tailor the information to meet specific compliance and audit requirements.

Regulatory Compliance:
Nebula™ supports compliance with a wide range of global privacy regulations, including GDPR, HIPAA, CCPA, and more. Its robust scanning and classification capabilities ensure that your data practices meet the highest standards of privacy protection.

Integration with Existing Workflows:
Nebula™ seamlessly integrates with your existing data management and privacy workflows. Its flexible design ensures that it can adapt to the unique needs of your organization, providing a scalable solution for managing unstructured data.

User-Friendly Interface:
Designed with ease of use in mind, Nebula™ features an intuitive interface that makes data scanning and classification straightforward. Users can quickly and easily implement privacy measures without extensive training.

Harness the power of Nebula™ to take control of your unstructured data. This powerful tool ensures that your PII is accurately identified and protected, allowing you to maintain compliance and uphold the highest standards of data privacy.

Data Anonymization and Privacy Protection Solution

EVENTHORIZONTM is a cutting-edge data anonymization and privacy protection solution designed to empower organizations to safely and responsibly handle sensitive data. With its advanced features, EVENTHORIZONTM ensures that personal and confidential information remains secure while allowing for seamless data sharing with third parties for analytics purposes.

Key Features :

PII Detection and Removal:
EVENTHORIZONTM excels at identifying Personally Identifiable Information (PII) within your data and seamlessly removes it, safeguarding individuals' privacy.

Customizable Anonymization: Data Protection Officers (DPOs) have the flexibility to set the desired level of anonymization by specifying parameters such as 'k' size and 't' closeness, ensuring compliance with privacy regulations.

Intelligent Data Anonymization: EVENTHORIZONTM employs intelligent algorithms to anonymize data while preserving its utility. It identifies various data types, including quasi-identifiers and statistical data, ensuring that sensitive information remains confidential.

Privacy-Enhancing Technologies: Leveraging state-of-the-art Privacy-Enhancing Techniques, EVENTHORIZONTM utilizes 'K-anonymity' and 'T-closeness' techniques to protect data privacy effectively.

Custom Noise Addition: The solution offers the capability to add customer-specific noise to date and datetime fields, further enhancing the security of sensitive temporal data.

Outlier Detection: EVENTHORIZONTM provides custom outlier detection mechanisms for both text and numeric data, ensuring that abnormal data points are flagged for review, enhancing data integrity.

Mathematical Proof: Users benefit from a solid mathematical foundation for anonymization and differential privacy, providing confidence in the security of their data handling practices.

Visual Insights: The solution includes graphical representations of 'k' and 't' values, making it easy for users to understand and adjust their data anonymization parameters.

EventHorizon is your partner in achieving the delicate balance between data utility and privacy protection. Say goodbye to privacy concerns and confidently leverage data for insights and collaboration. Trust EVENTHORIZONTM to keep your data secure and your organization compliant.

Cryptographic Pseudonymization & On-Demand Decryption

With CRYPTOSPHERETM you can set the gold standard for data protection with its advanced cell-level encryption and decryption capabilities. This innovative solution offers versatile key generation strategies, leveraging both random number derivation and mnemonic-based derivation.

Key Features:

Robust Encryption and Authentication :
Experience Uncompromising Security CRYPTOSPHERETM employs Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption coupled with Galois/Counter Mode (GCM)authentication, forming an impenetrable fortress for your data. This powerful combination guarantees the utmost data confidentiality and integrity, adhering to the most rigorous security standards.

Efficient Symmetric Key Cryptography :
CRYPTOSPHERETM utilises symmetric key cryptography, a highly efficient method for securing your data. This approach ensures that data encryption and decryption processes are lightning-fast and require minimal computational resources.

Tailored Key Sizes :
CRYPTOSPHERETM is adaptable to various key sizes, allowing you to tailor your encryption strategy to meet the specific security needs of your data. Choose the key size that suits your requirements, from standard to high-strength encryption.

Mnemonic-Based Key Generation:
Never fear losing your encryption keys again! CRYPTOSPHERETM offers a feature that allows you to generate keys using mnemonics. If you ever lose your keys, you can effortlessly regenerate them.

Seamless Database Integration :
Integrating CRYPTOSPHERETM into your existing infrastructure is seamless, thanks to our key store plugins for popular databases like MongoDB and DynamoDB. Effortlessly manage and secure your keys within your preferred database environment.

Attribute-Level Encryption and Decryption :
With CRYPTOSPHERETM, you have the power to encrypt and decrypt data at the attribute level. This fine-grained control allows you to protect specific pieces of information within a larger dataset, security and privacy.

Advanced Attribute Merging and Decryption :
Take your data security a step further with CRYPTOSPHERETM's unique feature that enables you to merge multiple attributes into one encrypted attribute. During decryption, you can effortlessly retrieve the original attributes, ensuring data integrity while simplifying data management.

In a world where data breaches and cyber threats are on the rise, CRYPTOSPHERETM stands as your unwavering sentinel, guarding your information with the highest level of encryption and security. Trust in the CRYPTOSPHERETM to keep your data safe, your keys secure, and your peace of mind intact. Discover the future of data security with CRYPTOSPHERETM. Get started today and experience the ultimate protection for your most valuable assets.

Synthetic Data for Testing

DATATWINTM is your solution to privacy-conscious data handling and sharing across. In an age where data privacy is paramount, DATA TWINTM empowers you to harness the full potential of your data without compromising sensitive information. With DATA TWINTM, you can ensure that sensitive personal information is never used for testing and non-production systems. Instead, you can seamlessly generate artificial or synthetic data for the same, while preserving the security and privacy of your users.

Key Features :

Privacy-Preserving Synthetic Data: DATATWINTM excels at generating synthetic data from your input data, making it ideal for non-production scenarios where data privacy is a concern. It allows you to unlock the value of your data while preserving the users’ privacy.

Intelligent PII Handling: When PII is present, DATATWINTM explicitly identifies and handles it responsibly, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations.

Data Graph Network: Creates a graph based network across multiple schemas/tables available in the dataset.

Maintains Entity Relationships: DATATWINTM is equipped to maintain primary-foreign key relationships within your data, preserving the integrity of your data structure.

Co-relationship and Co-occurrence: the graph network is an AI powered model which learns about the co-occurrences and establishes co-relationship between attributes such that one choice changes the behavior/pattern of the attributes.

Customizable Data Generation: Tailor the quantity of synthetic data samples generated to suit your specific needs, whether for development, testing, research, or collaboration across multiple domains like Automobile, HealthCare, Telecom, Financial.

Curated Rule Engine for Business Requirement: The user can define custom rules at each attribute level such as range of values for a statistical parameter. DATATWINTM prioritizes customer rules over self-learned properties.

Versatile Data Sources: Connect directly to multiple databases and seamlessly handle various file formats, offering unparalleled flexibility in data integration.

Auto Schema Learning: DATATWINTM intelligently learns the schema from your input data, simplifying the data generation process. It maintains the same schema on the output such that data can be integrated seamlessly to the source (like db instance).

Consistent Schema Mapping: The synthetic data generated by DATATWINTM adheres to the same schema as your input data, ensuring data consistency and compatibility.

AI-Powered Learning: Harness the power of artificial intelligence to learn the structure and context of your data, enabling accurate and context-aware synthetic data generation.

Gen AI-Based Techniques: DATATWINTM leverages cutting-edge Gen AI-based techniques for data generation, ensuring high-quality synthetic data that retains the essence of the original dataset.

Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing: DATATWINTM enables organizations to securely share synthetic data in non-production environments, guaranteeing the confidentiality and security of sensitive information for its intended use.

Data Augmentation for ML: The machine learning algorithms are data hungry. DATATWINTM generates an infinite scale, which can be augmented for analytical and training purposes.

Seamless Integration: The platform has programmer-friendly REST APIs which can be injected into the data flow pipeline. 

DATATWINTM empowers organizations to leverage data for development, testing, simulation, research, and collaboration while safeguarding the privacy and security of individuals' sensitive information. It's the ultimate tool for data-driven decision-making without compromising on data ethics and compliance. Unlock the potential of your data with DATATWINTM today.


Differential privacy guarantees that the inclusion or exclusion of a single data point will not significantly impact the outcome of a query. It's a mathematical approach that allows organizations to extract valuable insights while safeguarding individual data points. In essence, it's the assurance that your data remains confidential, even in the world of analytics.

Key Features :

Adding Noise for Privacy Preservation:
Differential Insight introduces controlled noise to the data during query processing. This deliberate injection of noise ensures that individual data points cannot be reverse engineered, providing a robust defense against privacy breaches. The result? Accurate insights without compromising confidentiality. This goes against the Tradition where analytics often require sacrificing privacy.

SQL Extensions:
The framework provides extensions to familiar SQL syntax, allowing users to specify privacy parameters directly in their queries.

Statistical Rigor for Accuracy
Our framework employs advanced statistical methods to ensure the noise introduced doesn't undermine the accuracy of the results. Through careful calibration, Smart Noise SQL strikes the perfect balance between privacy preservation and precise analytics, giving you trustworthy outcomes for your queries.

Parameterized Privacy:
Differential Insight allows you to customize the level of privacy protection according to your specific needs. Fine-tune the parameters to strike the ideal balance between privacy and utility. Its privacy is tailored to your unique data landscape.

Lightning-Fast Insights:
Get real-time insights without waiting. Differential Insight optimizes query processing for speed, ensuring you receive accurate results at the speed of thought.

Robust Security Measures:
Security is at the core of Differential Insight. Our framework employs robust security measures to safeguard your sensitive data. Rest easy knowing that your analytics process is not only powerful but also secure.

Enhanced Data Governance:
Maintain control over your data with Smart Noise SQL. Our framework enhances data governance by providing a privacy-preserving environment, ensuring compliance with regulations while still delivering accurate and actionable insights.

Innovate with Confidence:
Stay ahead of the curve and innovate with confidence. Smart Noise SQL opens new possibilities for data-driven decision-making without the fear of privacy breaches. Be a pioneer in your industry, embracing the future of analytics responsibly.

Rich Privacy Budget Management:
Users can allocate and manage a privacy budget, which is a numerical representation of the allowable privacy loss in the data.

Broad Compatibility:
Designed to work with popular database systems, enabling a wide range of users to introduce differential privacy into their workflows.

Differential Insight offers a comprehensive solution for privacy measurement, empowering businesses with customizable, scalable, and modular tools. With a focus on individual privacy assurance and unbiased insights, our platform ensures compliance confidence while providing scalable security for organizations of all sizes.

Unleash the Potential of AI with CloneLM™

Are you concerned about data privacy in your AI model training? Look no further! CloneLM™ is here to revolutionize the way you generate and utilize synthetic data. This cutting-edge tool leverages advanced algorithms to provide a seamless data generation experience, helping you achieve both privacy compliance and high utility in your AI models.

Key Features :

Privacy-Preserving AI Training:
CloneLM™ uses differential privacy techniques to ensure that synthetic data mimics the statistical properties of your original dataset without containing any real individual’s information. This guarantees compliance with data protection regulations like GDPR and CCPA.

Utility Retention:
By preserving the context and statistical properties of the original dataset, CloneLM™ ensures that synthetic data maintains high utility for training machine learning models. Models trained on synthetic data perform comparably to those trained on real data.

Scalability and Diversity:
Effortlessly generate large volumes of diverse synthetic data with CloneLM™, overcoming the limitations of small or biased datasets and facilitating robust model training across various domains and use cases.

Cost-Effective Solution:
Reduce costs associated with data acquisition, storage, and maintenance. CloneLM™ eliminates the need for expensive and time-consuming processes involved in collecting and curating real-world data.

Ethical and Sustainable Approach:
By avoiding the use of real individuals’ data, CloneLM™ promotes ethical practices in data science and machine learning, fostering trust among stakeholders and contributing to a sustainable AI ecosystem.

Attack Simulation:
Perform attack simulations to understand potential vulnerabilities. CloneLM™ empowers you to educate stakeholders on the nature of data risks and provides automated mitigation and compliance recommendations.

Intelligent Data Scanning:
CloneLM™ intelligently scans your data, classifies attributes using AI techniques, and allows for a hybrid classification approach, giving you control over attribute classification.

Dynamic Risk Assessment:
Assess and visualize privacy risks dynamically. CloneLM™ provides a comprehensive risk score and visualizes potential threats, helping you mitigate risks proactively.

Country-Based Compliance:
Receive country-specific Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET) recommendations and mitigation strategies, including GDPR, HIPAA, PDPB, DPDP, and CPRA compliance.

Cross-Border Compliance:
Ensure compliance across borders with CloneLM™’s cross-border compliance recommendations, making it easier to navigate complex international data privacy regulations.

With CloneLM™, you can take control of your AI model training, streamline compliance efforts, and protect your sensitive information. Say goodbye to data privacy uncertainties and hello to comprehensive risk management.

Ensure user safety and model security with responsible AI practices.

RAI FIREWALL TM is a revolutionary solution Privacy Risk and Generation AI Governance specially tailored for Large Language Models (LLMs). With RAI FIREWALLTM, organizations can safeguard their data, navigate complex risks, and ensure responsible AI practices with ease.  

Key Features :

Risk Identification: Our solution identifies various types of risks and goes beyond just Personally Identifiable Information (PII), including health, safety, financial, confidential, code, time, and contextual information.

Unstructured Data Risk Identification
: It excels at identifying risks in unstructured text data, ensuring comprehensive data protection.

Contextual Risk Evaluation: It evaluates risks in the context of the data, providing a nuanced understanding of potential privacy issues.

Risk Analysis: Offers in-depth analysis of identified risks to help you make informed decisions regarding data handling.

Privacy Preserved Synthetic Prompt Engineering: It can generate synthetic prompts while preserving data privacy, allowing safe testing and analysis.

Reversal of Synthetic Prompts: Locally revert synthetic prompts to their original form for further examination, ensuring transparency and control.

LLM Governance & Risk Dashboard: Access a dashboard that provides a clear overview of identified risks, facilitating efficient risk management. Empower AI and privacy leaders with a dedicated dashboard to oversee and manage Large Language Models effectively. Seamlessly integrate our solution with both internal and external Large Language Models to streamline privacy and governance efforts.

Exportable Reports: Easily export reports detailing various risk flows and mitigation strategies for documentation and compliance purposes.

Integration: Seamlessly integrate our solution with both internal and external Large Language Models to streamline privacy and governance efforts.

Leave behind worries about data leakage to Large Language Models (LLMs) and seize complete control over your AI ecosystem. Invest in RAI FIREWALLTM to enhance your data security, optimize AI governance, and lead the charge for responsible, privacy-conscious AI practices. Your journey to privacy-conscious AI starts here.

RAGAM™: Your Advanced Solution for Secure Data Processing

RAGAM™ offers a robust and secure method for managing unstructured data, ensuring sensitive information is protected while enabling seamless integration with external services. This advanced tool is designed to address the challenges of data privacy and security, providing a comprehensive solution for modern data processing needs.

Key Features :

Encryption and Tokenization: RAGAM™ provides advanced encryption and tokenization for unstructured data, ensuring that sensitive information is never exposed. This feature allows for secure data usage within your organization and when interacting with external services.

Secure Data Interaction: RAGAM™ ensures that sensitive information is securely managed, even when interacting with external services like This guarantees that no sensitive data is leaked outside the organization.

Data Integrity:By using state-of-the-art encryption techniques, RAGAM™ maintains the integrity and confidentiality of your data. It ensures that only authorized users can access and decrypt the information as needed.

Comprehensive Data Protection:RAGAM™ goes beyond basic encryption, offering a full suite of data protection tools designed to meet the highest standards of privacy and security. This includes advanced tokenization methods that safeguard data throughout its lifecycle.

Compliance and Regulation:RAGAM™ is designed to help your organization comply with global privacy regulations, such as GDPR, HIPAA, and others. Its robust encryption and tokenization capabilities ensure that your data processing activities meet the strictest compliance requirements.

Flexible Integration:RAGAM™ seamlessly integrates with existing data processing workflows, providing a flexible solution that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your organization. Whether you are dealing with large volumes of data or complex data structures, RAGAM™ adapts to your requirements.

User-Friendly Interface:RAGAM™ features an intuitive interface that makes it easy for users to manage and protect their data. With user-friendly tools and clear documentation, you can quickly implement advanced data protection measures without extensive training.

Take control of your data privacy and security with RAGAM™. This powerful tool ensures that your unstructured data is protected and compliant, allowing you to focus on leveraging data for business insights without compromising on security.

Discover the future of
privacy protection

Safeguarding personal and sensitive data in
today's evolving digital landscape
+91  9035465400
Clayworks Create Campus, 11KM, Arakere Bannerghatta Rd, Omkar Nagar, Arekere, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560076